Sonoma State Student Center
Sonoma State Student Center is a brand new, 3-story building at the University campus in Rohnert Park, CA.
HVAC Controls is installing an Automated Logic control system for Airco Automation on this project.
It has 125 zones, 8 split systems, 4 Air Handlers, a makeup air unit for the kitchen, and heat exchangers for the hot water and chilled water systems.
This building is architecturally challenged in that several different ceiling elevations are on the same floor, sometimes in the same room. There are "floating ceilings" where there are large gaps in the open slabs above between ceiling sections and walls. These open areas require conduit runs so that exposed wire cannot be seen. The top floor contains several Ballrooms where the ceilings are 16' to 20' high. Vertically, nothing stacks in the building, so getting risers from floor to floor is difficult.